  Participation of AzFina in Fintex Summit 2024

Participation of AzFina in Fintex Summit 2024


Thu 06 2024

Participation of AzFina in Fintex Summit 2024

As the Azerbaijan Fintex Association, we participated in the next Fintex Summit 2024 organized by ABA and of which we are a partner.

In the opening part of the summit, the chairman of the board of our association, Ruslan Talibov, gave information about the current situation in the fintech sector from a global and local perspective, the application of modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning in the fintech sector, and the innovations that await us in the next strategic period.

At the same time, Azfina's Executive Director Azer Akbarov spoke about the requirements of the law "On Payment Services and Payment Systems", the changes that will occur in the market after its entry into force, the licensing process, and new opportunities for fintechs.

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